Wednesday, July 20, 2011

just the beginning.

it's interesting how life can throw you one thing then have it end up being another.  it's ironic how one can tell you he loves you unconditionally, but then while he is by your side tells you that you're not good enough.  it amazes me that certain people think that they are better than everyone, when they are breathing the same air as everyone else.  can't certain people take a moment and look around them, than think that they are the world? it's crazy how one person can turn your world upside down an not think twice about how it would affect you.  it's interesting to me that this one man who claims to be better than everyone else, smarter than everyone else, can do his work better than everyone else.... loses his wife, has no job, has no friends, and lives with his parents.  how can one who claims to be so amazing go take modeling pictures while sleeping in until 11 a.m. and allow his wife to work a 60 hour week, live with him and his parents, have to share a room with his sister and have the gull to tell me I'm not doing enough.

the only one who can truly judge me is god.

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